by CoverLink Staff | Mar 20, 2013 | Business Insurance, Cyber Liability Insurance
Now before you say to yourself, “I’ll take my daily latte instead” or for that matter, anything other than cyber liability insurance, if you’re a business owner, you need to pay attention. Electronic data has become essential in all aspects of business activity, and...
by CoverLink Staff | Feb 22, 2013 | Business Insurance
When a tenant makes permanent improvements to a leased building, the improvements usually become the property of the building owner. The tenant gains the ability to use and enjoy the improvement or betterment during the period of the lease. Examples of improvements...
by CoverLink Staff | Jan 27, 2012 | Business Insurance, Employment Practices Liability Insurance
Pollara, an independent public opinion and market research firm, recently conducted a survey of 451 for-profit companies in the United States. 90% of these companies had annual revenues of less than $25 million. About 50% of the executives surveyed felt their firms...
by CoverLink Staff | Dec 8, 2011 | Auto Insurance, Business Insurance, Commercial Auto Insurance
A common situation many of us find ourselves in today is the personal use of a company vehicle. When you are furnished a company vehicle, you are generally provided coverage to use that vehicle through your employer’s auto insurance policy. But your employer’s policy...
by CoverLink Staff | Sep 5, 2011 | Business Insurance, Commercial Property Insurance, Earthquake Insurance, Homeowners Insurance
For years, homeowners and businesses in Ohio haven‚’t been too worried about the damaging effects caused by an earthquake. After all, most earthquakes that occur in Ohio aren‚’t even felt. But the magnitude 5.8 earthquake that hit Virginia last week is a...
by CoverLink Staff | Aug 26, 2011 | Business Insurance, Crime Insurance
When business owners are asked the question, what makes your business successful, a recurring theme begins to appear in their answers, to some degree, most comments sound something like ‚it‚’s our people. That‚’s no surprise. For nearly all products and...