Does a Specific Landscape Contractors Insurance Exist? - CoverLink Insurance - Ohio Insurance Agency

As a landscape contractor in Ohio you may be wondering if there is insurance tailored to your unique small business needs.

We know that as a business owner you are very busy, especially in the spring and summer when projects pile up. This is why getting the right insurance can make all the difference and give you the kind of peace of mind that helps you move forward with confidence.

Landscape Contractors Insurance

Why this focus on landscape insurance now?

This past year in Ohio, a few key laws were changed to make requirements on landscaping companies more stringent when it comes to what insurance you need to have. According to the new laws, you need to have a more comprehensive policy than ever before. Currently, only a few insurers in the state offer the kind of coverage you need. Talk to an independent insurance agent to get personalized advice as to what gaps your current coverage has that now need to be filled due to this new law.

What insurance should I get?

If you run a landscaping business, there are a number of different kinds of insurance policies that you should consider. Each one has some specialized coverage that will help you out in a particular situation. The three main types of landscaping insurance are:

These three types of insurance are good to consider if you are a landscaper, arborist, lawn irrigation contractor, landscape designer, landscape architect, or landscape general contractor.

Commercial General Liability Insurance

This is the key type of landscape contractors insurance that every landscaper must have. It protects you against potential lawsuits that have the potentail of shutting your business down.

General liability claims come up more often than you would expect. For example, from a real-life situation, an employee was mowing a client’s property and accidentally sprayed a shower of gravel into the parking lot, hitting and damaging a number of cars. Liability insurance covered the cost of damages.

Whether or not lawsuits filed against you are warranted, they can take time, money, and reputation away from you. By getting a landscape liability policy before an incident like this happens to your business, you can rest easy knowing you will be covered.

Find out more about CGL insurance.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Every vehicle that you use in your business should be covered under a commercial auto insurance plan. In addition, any trailers or trucks that you use to transport equipment or employees need full coverage as well. There are a variety of different commercial auto insurance plans in ohio, but policies can include at-fault accident insurance, vandalization coverage, physical damage due to an accident that was not your fault, bodily injury of your employees or yourself if anyone is involved in a crash, or coverage for a stolen automobile.

Contractors Equipment Insurance

If you have commercial property insurance your equipment will be covered when it is on your property, however, many landscape contractors do not conduct the majority of their business at one location.

In order to protect your equipment away from its storage facility, you must consider contractors equipment insurance. For example, if you left a mower at a client’s property overnight, only to return and find it stolen, a contractors equipment insurance policy would have you covered. In this case, commercial property insurance would not cover the incident.

Let us Help!

Don’t let a lawsuit, stolen equipment, or accident jeopardize your business. Get the right kind of contractors insurance today to give yourself piece of mind.

CoverLink Insurance has been working with landscape business owners since 1920. We know the industry and we know the requirements. Let us help you figure out what coverage is best for you. For a free consultation, click below: