Business Insurance
Cover Your Risks With Business Insurance
As a business owner, you may find yourself asking the question “how much coverage is enough in today’s highly litigious society?” As our world becomes increasingly complex, the risks your business faces on a daily basis are changing as well. Shouldn’t your insurance keep pace with these changes so you can focus on what you do best?

In Ohio, Builder’s Risk Insurance is designed to protect buildings while they’re under construction. Once a building is complete, it’s normal for the owner of that structure to insure it against losses such as fire.

Business Income Insurance

Business Liability Insurance
In Ohio, Business Liability Insurance forms the foundation of protection for most businesses and their insurance portfolio. This policy, often referred to as Commercial General Liability Insurance.

Business Owners Insurance
Business Owners Insurance, or BOP (short for Business Owners Policy), is specially designed for small to medium-sized businesses in Ohio.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial Package Policy
One size does not fit all, and this couldn’t be truer in the Ohio insurance market. Since each business is unique and has individual needs and desires regarding their insurance protection, the Commercial Package Policy is available.

Commercial Property Insurance
Weather is hugely unpredictable in Ohio; we’ve had our share of catastrophes from hail events to the aftermath of hurricanes that made their way through The Buckeye State leaving a path of wreckage.

Commercial Surety Bond

Commercial Umbrella Insurance
As an Ohio business owner, if protecting your organization from a potentially ruinous claim or lawsuit is one of your top priorities, you need to understand how an Umbrella Policy works. Most commonly.

Crime Insurance
As most Ohio business owners know, the risks facing your business seem to be increasing… almost on a daily basis. If crime exposures aren’t on your mind, here’s why they should be.

Cyber Liability Insurance

Employers Liability Insurance
In most states, Employer’s Liability Insurance and Workers’ Compensation Insurance work hand-in-hand. However, in Ohio, business owners that have any employees are required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.

Directors and Officers Insurance
In Ohio, Directors & Officers Liability Insurance (sometimes referred to as D&O Insurance) is designed to protect the directors and officers of an organization.

Employee Benefits Liability Insurance

Equipment Breakdown Insurance
Ohio businesses are increasingly dependent on functioning equipment to operate and maintain revenue, and a breakdown could be devastating.

Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI)
In Ohio, employees have certain legal rights while working for their employer and sometimes, an employee feels these rights have been violated.

Environmental & Pollution Insurance

Event Insurance
Let’s face it, we live in an unpredictable world. Things happen, and when they do, our plans can change.

Farm Insurance
Farm Insurance in Ohio can provide you with protection for your personal and business needs. A farm is often more than just a place of operation.

Flood Insurance for Businesses

Garagekeepers Liability Insurance
When you drop off your car at an auto repair garage, you not only expect it to be fixed, but you expect it to remain safe while in the custody of the business.

Inland Marine Insurance
You wouldn’t think of Marine Insurance being very valuable in landlocked Ohio, but the term has been used for years to describe certain types of property that are moveable.

Landscape Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance
In Ohio, Professional Liability Insurance, also known as Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance, is liability insurance designed to protect those individuals and businesses providing professional advice.

Workers’ Compensation Insurance
In Ohio, Workers’ Compensation Insurance must be obtained from the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation instead of from the insurance company where you purchase your Business Liability.