With Cyber, Security & Privacy threats proving more and more prevalent everyday, can you really afford not to have this crucial insurance coverage?

Ponemon Institute: 2011 Cost of Data Breach Study

The 2011 study on the cost of data breaches was just released by the Ponemon Institute and the findings are alarming to say the least. While the costs associated with data breaches continues to soar, the Ponemon Institute suggests – among other things – that most of the costs associated with a data breach can be offset by a properly underwritten Cyber, Security & Privacy policy.

Verizon: 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report

In addition to the Ponemon Institute’s study, Verizon has just released their own investigative report on data breaches, with assistance from the Australian Federal Police, Dutch National High Tech Crime Unit, Irish Reporting and Information Security Service, Police Central e-Crime Unit, and the United States Secret Service. This report confirms many of the Cyber, Security & Privacy professional’s worst fears. Cyber, Security & Privacy threats are an international problem; those who commit these crimes are actively seeking out susceptible targets. Are you doing everything you can to protect your business from the never ending barrage of Cyber, Security & Privacy threats?  If not, we suggest you consider a Privacy & Information Security Policy.

Curious about what you can do to prevent Cyber Crime?


Realizing that Cyber, Security & Privacy was only going to become more and more prevalent in the digital world in which we find ourselves today, we stand ready to help you transfer your risk of loss with a specific insurance policy tailored to your needs.